Media releases

Competition Commission approves Blyvoor transaction

DRDGOLD Limited and Village Main Reef Limited announced today that the South African Competition Commission has given its unconditional approval for the transaction in terms of which DRDGOLD will dispose its entire interest in Blyvooruitzicht Gold Mining Company Limited (Blyvoor) to a wholly-owned operating subsidiary of Village.

Johannesburg, South Africa. 25 May, 2012. DRDGOLD Limited (DRDGOLD; JSE, NYSE: DRD) and Village Main Reef Limited (Village; JSE: VIL) announced today that the South African Competition Commission has given its unconditional approval for the transaction in terms of which DRDGOLD will dispose its entire interest in Blyvooruitzicht Gold Mining Company Limited (Blyvoor) to a wholly-owned operating subsidiary of Village.

The transaction comprises two parts, ‘the Part A Sale’ and ‘the Part B Sale; in terms of the former, the sale claims are sold to the purchaser and in terms of the latter, the sale shares are sold to the purchaser.

The commission’s approval means that there are no outstanding conditions precedent to the Part A Sale. The Part B sale remains subject to fulfillment of certain conditions precedent.


DRDGOLD media and IR queries:
James Duncan, Russell and Associates
+27 11 880 3924 (office)
+27 82 892 8052 (mobile)
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Village media and IR queries:
Louise Brugman
+ 27 11 787 3015 (office)
+ 27 83 504 1186 (mobile)
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Marius Saaiman
Joint CEO
+ 27 82 458 3420 (mobile)

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