Established 128 years ago, DRDGOLD’s longevity is a result of adapting to an ever-changing environment, taking full advantage of good fortune as and when it presents itself, as well as maintaining a disciplined approach to what is within our control.
Our capacity to treat mine waste, our recently established relationship with Sibanye-Stillwater and the enthusiasm and energy of our team, place DRDGOLD in a very strong position to continue to play a role in the future of mining in South Africa, and perhaps even internationally.
Early adoption of sustainable development as the primary idea in shaping our thinking and informing the deployment of our resources and capital, has meant that for us, ESG requires a nuanced adaption of our existing narrative. The work has been done and the foundation is in place to continue on a path of sustainable, responsible mining.
Ergo operations commissioned by Anglo American Corporation, becoming part of AngloGold Ashanti in 1998.
City plant commissioned as a metallurgical surface/underground plant.
Knights plant commissioned as a metallurgical surface/underground plant.
Acquisition of Crown Mines.
ERPM Extension 1 and 2 exploration tenements acquired.
Ergo acquired by DRDGOLD from AngoGold Ashanti, consisting of what was historically the Crown Gold Recoveries Proprietary Limited (“Crown”), ERPM Cason Dump operation and the ErgoGold business units.
ERPM, consisting of an underground mine, placed under care and maintenance.
Restructuring occurs in terms of which all the surface retreatment operations are consolidated into a single operating entity, Ergo Mining Proprietary Limited (Ergo). Also, as part of this restructuring, Ergo acquired DRDGOLD’s 35% interest in ErgoGold.
50 Km Crown Ergo Pipeline commissioned to link the consolidated assets and refurbishment of Ergo plant takes places to increase capacity for increased material into the plant.
City Deep plant decommissioned as a metallurgical plant and operates as a milling and pump station, pumping material to the Ergo plant for the final extraction of gold.
Crown Mines plant, maintenance which operated as a pump/milling station feeding the metallurgical plants, closes down and by 2018 rehabilitation of the site is substantially complete.
DRDGOLD acquires West Rand Tailings Retreatment Project (WRTRP) assets from Sibanye-Stillwater.
WRTRP subsequently renamed FWGR.
Disposal of the ERPM underground mining and prospecting rights to OroTree to OroTree.
FWGR reaches commercial production.
Approval for the full development of a 60Mw solar farm and 160Mwh battery energy storage system obtained
With its head office in Johannesburg, South Africa, DRDGOLD’s primary listing is on the JSE Limited and its secondary listing is on the New York Stock Exchange. As at 2023, DRDGOLD boasts a 16-year unbroken track record of paying dividends to shareholders.
DRDGOLD results for the six months ended 31 December 2024 18 February 2025 (PDF - 3.5 MB)
Results for the six months ended 31 December 2024 (PDF - 200KB)
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