Media releases

Termination of directorship

Further to the announcement released on Monday, 1 December 2008, shareholders are reminded that, at the company’s Annual General Meeting, Professor Douglas Blackmur was not re-elected as a director after the resolution relating to his re-election was withdrawn.

Further to the announcement released on Monday, 1 December 2008, shareholders are reminded that, at the company’s Annual General Meeting held on 28 November 2008, Professor Douglas Blackmur was not re-elected as a director after the resolution relating to his re-election was withdrawn. In terms of article 93 (b) of the company’s Articles of Association, Professor Blackmur therefore ceased to be director of the company with effect from 28 November 2008.

On 4 December 2008, the directors of DRDGOLD, at a special meeting, resolved not to reappoint Professor Blackmur to the board.

5 December 2008

QuestCo Sponsors (Pty) Limited

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