Media releases

Lifting of section 54 notice at Blyvooruitzicht Gold

Shareholders are advised that on 8 September 2008 the DME lifted the notice which had been issued on 4 September 2008 prohibiting underground mining at the Blyvoor mine.

Shareholders are advised that on 8 September 2008 the Department of Minerals and Energy ("DME") lifted the notice in terms of section 54 of the Mine Health & Safety Act ("the notice") which had been issued on 4 September 2008 prohibiting underground mining at the Blyvoor mine.

The notice was served on the mine following the death of an employee in a rock fall underground caused by a seismic event which occurred on 4 September 2008.

Another, similar notice had been issued by the DME on 18 August 2008 following the death of an employee, similarly in a rockfall underground caused by a seismic event. This notice was lifted on 20 August 2008.

The number of production days lost as a result of:

  • the two section 54 notices; and
  • the days of mourning called by the National Union of Mineworkers following each fatality and which took place on 28 August and 10 September 2008 translates to an estimated loss of 5 884 ounces of gold for the September 2008 quarter.

11 September 2008

QuestCo Sponsors (Pty) Limited

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