At a special meeting of the Board of Durban Roodepoort Deep, Limited yesterday (5.3.02), Mark Wellesley-Wood received the directors’ unanimous support to continue in his capacity as the company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
The board also resolved unanimously to continue to support his application for a work permit to perform his duties in South Africa, and to support any application to review the purported prohibition imposed on him from re-entering South Africa pending the outcome of his work permit application. The company is satisfied that both it and Wellesley-Wood have at all times complied with applicable laws in this regard.
Wellesley-Wood will continue to direct the company from overseas and is in real time contact with all of his management team.
Based on an assurance given by the Minister of Home Affairs during a radio interview on Monday evening that he will personally review the circumstances behind Wellesley-Wood’s prohibition, the company’s attorneys, Bowman Gilfillan, are of the view that this matter will be satisfactorily resolved within a relatively short time.
Charles Valkin of Bowman Gilfillan has been unanimously appointed as an Alternate Director for Wellesley-Wood.
James Duncan
+27 82 892-8052 (cell)
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