Media releases

Cautionary announcement

Security holders are advised that DRD is involved in negotiations which may have an effect on the price at which DRD securities trade on the various exchanges on which it is listed. PRESS RELEASE

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1895/000926/06)
(ARBN 086 277 616)
(NASDAQ trading symbol: DROOY ("DRD")

Cautionary Announcement

Security holders are advised that DRD is involved in negotiations which may have an effect on the price at which DRD securities trade on the various exchanges on which it is listed.

Accordingly, security holders are advised to exercise caution when dealing in their securities until a further announcement is made.

21 August 2001

Corporate adviser to DRD

The Corner House (Pty) Limited
(Registration number 1997/001815/07)

Sponsor to DRD

Merrill Lynch
Registration number 1995/001805/07

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