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Results of annual general meeting

Results of annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1895/000926/06)
ISIN: ZAE000058723
JSE & A2X share code: DRD
NYSE trading symbol: DRD
("DRDGOLD" or the "Company")


DRDGOLD shareholders ("Shareholders") are advised that the annual general meeting ("AGM") of
Shareholders was held on Wednesday, 27 November 2024. All the ordinary and special resolutions, as
set out in the notice of AGM dated 28 October 2024, were approved by the requisite majority of
Shareholders present or represented by proxy at the AGM, save for ordinary resolution number 5.
Further details regarding the voting results for each of the resolutions are contained below.

All resolutions proposed at the AGM, together with the number and percentage of shares voted, the
percentage of shares abstained, as well as the percentage of votes carried for and against each
resolution, are as follows:

Ordinary resolution number 1: Appointment of BDO South Africa Inc. (with the designated external
audit partner being Jacques Barradas) as the independent external auditors of the Company

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 406 102             0.02%                    99.98%                    0.02%

Ordinary resolution number 2: Re-election of Mr Riaan Davel as a director of the Company

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 173 612             0.05%                    99.48%                    0.52%

Ordinary resolution number 3: Re-election of Mr Edmund Jeneker as a director of the Company

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 180 622             0.04%                    96.18%                    3.82%

Ordinary resolution number 4: Re-election of Ms Prudence Lebina as a director of the Company

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 199 282             0.04%                    99.89%                    0.11%

Ordinary resolution number 5: General authority to issue securities for cash

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 280 712             0.03%                    28.89%                    71.11%

Ordinary resolution numbers 6.1 – 6.3: Election of Audit Committee members

Ordinary resolution number 6.1: Election of Mr Johan Holtzhausen (Chairman) as a member of the
Audit Committee

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 219 512             0.04%                    98.17%                    1.83%

Ordinary resolution number 6.2: Election of Ms Prudence Lebina as a member of the Audit Committee

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 194 452             0.04%                    99.89%                    0.11%

Ordinary resolution number 6.3: Election of Ms Charmel Flemming as a member of the Audit

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 184 552             0.04%                    99.90%                    0.10%

Ordinary non-binding advisory resolution number 7: Endorsement of the Company's Remuneration

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 748 826 498             4.48%                    97.53%                    2.47%

Ordinary non-binding advisory resolution number 8: Endorsement of the Company's
Implementation Report

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 748 821 178             4.48%                    90.18%                    9.82%

Special resolution number 1: General authority to repurchase issued securities

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 787 332 032             0.03%                    93.25%                    6.75%

Special resolution number 2: Approval of non-executive directors' remuneration

 Shares Voted            Abstained                For                       Against

 786 964 292             0.07%                    94.05%                    5.95%

- Percentages of shares voted are calculated in relation to the total issued share capital of
- Percentages of shares voted for and against are calculated in relation to the total number of shares
  voted for each resolution.
- Abstentions are calculated as a percentage in relation to the total issued share capital of

28 November 2024

One Capital

Date: 28-11-2024 09:30:00
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